Do you believe in Sign? (Not talking about traffic signs) Me? oh yes, totally.. my day revolves around sign's and my night ends with one. Okay. That is an extreme exaggeration. I do believe in it but, not to the extend where I would wait for it to occur forever. It is believed by few that signs are usually sent from heaven but, to act upon it... it is our own choice However, paying a close attention to what have been indicated to us could be a significant and the more we feel we are being directed to follow, the more we come across such instructions (Visually and audibly). while sometimes, it becomes unbelieving obvious on coming across many such circumstances where we are made to understand what it really means, owing to the fact where we meet definite sign which eventually leads us to accept without further doubts. Of course... not forgetting that everyone has their own understanding to handle visions and sign shown to them but, as for me i intend to ...
A Sane Blog by M.Kikon