It's the time of the year again... Halloween is just around the corner, the time for trick and treating and probably the best occasion to play 'dress up'. Still trying to figure out an outfit style for the 'COSTUME PARTY'? Bunny?- Outdated Pirates?- Boring Zombie?- Wait, you were one last year too. Okay, stop fussing around and make up your mind quickly Wish to be different and stand out from the crowd? Here, you can try a little different this year from how you usually dress up for a Halloween. Why not dress up as 'You'? Really. Love black? Gothic? Okay. Checked. You surely will love this combination of black and just a little touch of patterns... check out this outfit style I have created Lots of black and a more of Gothic style. (Afterall, it's Halloween and a little too much of black will do no harm) Outfit for Halloween Party by kikonmhonchumi featuring high heel shoes For the look - Wear a strapless black dress...
A Sane Blog by M.Kikon