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Showing posts from September, 2016

The "Pen-Pineapple-Apple-Pen" song that broke the internet

On Monday morning when I logged into my Facebook, my timeline was flooded with people sharing a video of a guy with a weird yellow leopard-print  outfit singing to a song of ‘ Pen-Pineapple-Apple-Pen .’ At first I thought it was some random catchy song, but after finding it on most of my friend’s profile, I started wondering what could possibly be so intriguing about this song. It did turn out to be a catch melody inclusive with the funny choreography. The man behind the song is DJ  Piko-Taro ,  a fictional character played by Japanese entertainer Kazuhiko Kosaka who is a singer and a comedian.  Image Credit- Google The song known as PPAP has gone viral since then, it has some silly lyrics of…   "I have a pen. I have an apple. Apple-pen! I have a pen. I have [a] pineapple. Pineapple-pen! Apple-pen. Pineapple-pen. Pen-Pineapple-Apple-Pen."   Am sure it has nothing to do with Apple phone/ pen. The song is kind of...

How to dress a Shirt Dress

Sometimes you don’t feel like dressing up, all you want to wear is throw on a shirt and feel just right. For a  sleek, minimal chic, and classic look a shirt dress is what you need this season, also it is the current fashion penchant, it is easy, versatile, casual, stylish, and a must-have outfit in your wardrobe. If you have one hanging on your wardrobe and haven’t taken the risk of trying it... then its time you do it today. Shirt dress is an easy to wear outfit, since they are basic and versatile for any day. Here, this is how you can wear them. Scroll down to check the look  I have created, you can don this look on a casual day out, shopping/coffee, an  after office  party or most  likely  at a date too, Shirt Dress by kikonmhonchumi featuring tote purses Outfit Used: ·          Shirt Dress-   A burgundy chic tied on the waist sleeve dipped shirt dress ·      ...