Words as Sweet as Milk and Honey! “how is it so easy for you to be kind to people he asked milk and honey dripped from my lips as I answered cause people have not been kind to me” - Rupi Kaur Copyright- All rights reserved Just reading the poetry at her Instagram page was enough to convince me that milk and honey is the book I should be reading, and it didn’t take me much time to complete the book. Reason- My heart was captivated with Rupi Kaur's strong use of words and illustrations (Warning- Graphics contains nudity and sexual images ) Popularly known as an Insta Poet, Rupi Kaur has sent a strong message of violence, abuse, love, loss, and feminist in her book 'milk and honey'. Each chapter has different stories to tell. I am a poetry enthusiastic and anything in a poem with deep meaning is enough to sway me away from the real world. Milk and Hon...
A Sane Blog by M.Kikon