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Showing posts from June, 2018

Murder In Paharganj by Kulpreet Yadav: Book Review

I love Mystery… and I’d be a Mystery myself if granted. Okay, what I mean is that I love reading mystery/thriller and I enjoy delving into the world of one. Those who know me probably notice that I am a huge fan of Agatha Christie , my all-time favourite Crime Author.  Hands down, she is the author whose books has taken most of the space on my bookshelves, and TBH she is one classic crime writer. Period.  After all, why is she even known as the ‘Queen of Crime’? right? Starting off with all these introductions simply explains my book review choice for today. ‘Murder and Thriller’, to be precise. I will be talking about the book ‘Murder In Paharganj’ by Kulpreet Yadav . Being a thriller fan  I wasted no time to devour the book when the  author sent me a copy. However, a little confession to be made i.e. I couldn't really finish the book on the time which I have set. And, the reason for the late read led to a very delayed book review, which I should have done before...