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Showing posts from May, 2020

Book Review: Take Off Your Startup by Samyak Kumar

About the book If you're working on a business plan and have new business ideas then keep reading…   • Are you a graduate student with no business knowledge and have a plan of starting a business without or little money   • Do you have an inferiority complex that you have not completed an MBA   • Do you have a startup idea but no money   • Are you doing job/ or planning to do a job to accumulate money for your startup ideas   • Are you looking to validate your business plan   • Do you have confusion to choose a new business idea   • Do you have questions on Startup Funding This Book is all about Untold Business Secrets and proven business plans, few of the topics are listed below.   ✔ From where to get New Business ideas   ✔ Formula to finalize one new business idea amongst all your ideas   ✔ How to become financially stable and be ready for any upcoming crisis in your startup journey.   ✔ From where to ...

Reading in Quarantine- #Birthdaybloghop

Books are good company, in sad times and happy times, for books are people – people who have managed to stay alive by hiding between the covers of a book.” – E.B. White With the Coronavirus crisis and most of the nation quarantined inside the comfort of their homes, I can presume all the bookworms silently rejoicing, not that the world is coming to a standstill (that would be rude), but because of the reason that we will have all the possible time in the world to be reading and ticking off our TBR lists (Not precisely though). At least we thought we will have all the possible time in the world to read and read till our eyes are sore, but guess that remind yet another excuse of, ‘maybe, I will start reading tomorrow.' And, one would probably be asking, ‘why read? when we have other things to keep ourselves engaged. There are so many other things to do and catch up with- for instance, binge-watching book adapted series, attending zoom calls, video calling old friends to ch...

Book Review: Love in the Time of Quarantine by Siddhartha Gigoo

  About the Book On Sunday, March the 22nd 2020, When India decided To lock herself down And send us—  Her 1.3 billion ungrateful, undeserving,  Yet beloved children— Into self-isolation To protect us From the deadly infection Of a bat-born,  Spikey ball-shaped, Gorgeous-looking Infinitesimal virus With a name  Befitting a royal, I set out to do  What all castle-builders and nighthawks do  On bright and lonesome  Sundays  That have nothing  Except dreams of hope  And fantasies of freedom  To offer. Told from multiple points of view, Commonwealth Prize-winning author Siddhartha Gigoo’s 'Love in the Time of Quarantine' clocks 30 days and nights in the lives of two lovers and a homeless family during a nation’s lock down and quarantine. My Take on the Book Hope everyone is safe at home? I recently came across this book and was really intrigued to find out what it was actua...

Book Review: Bathinda to Bangkok by Vibha Batra

About the Book Is it going to be Mahi Way, or the Highway for Mahi?   Mahi's back in the pavilion, but,  ji,  her dreams got mixed with mud. Hopes got  crushum-crushed . Heart became pieces-pieces. As if life isn't  tatti  enough, one after another new-new  siyapas  are starting.  Mahi's hungry to grow  Ludhiana to London , her party-planning company, to international height. Lavith, her international returned ex-love, is thirsty for her blood. Leave work-life balance, she's  toh  losing mental balance.  Her BFF (Bechari Frustoo Friend) Dingy's to-be-in-laws are refusing first night in Bangkok. Her other BFF, Dumpy's refusing to go anywhere without his Combo Pack -- his Sweet Knife GF Simran and her  paindu  brother Raj. Her brother Niku's business problem is not saying bye-bye. And her stepmom Bhooto (short for Bhootni) is –  hai-hai  – don't ask.  But the question bothering her ...

Book Review: Casey Vice: Spitfire of Vengeance by Joseph Rousell

 About the Book When Casey Vice was 8 years old, her father, a police captain who founded Saturn City’s Criminal Intelligence & Organized Crime Unit, and her mother were murdered in front of their home. Orphaned and left with unanswered questions, Casey and her siblings narrowly escaped death, but not scars the horrific ordeal escaped death, but not scars the horrific ordeal seared into their innocent minds… 15 years later, Casey, now a detective in the CI/OC, receives an invitation too dangerous to accept, yet too good to simply dismiss: a personal invitation to meet Shawn Anderson, the head of Saturn City’s mafia himself… at his private estate. She warily accepts the invitation and is faced with the gruesome revelation about her tragic past and an ultimatum that puts a million-dollar bounty on her head. As every con and killer in Saturn City’s seedy underbelly looks to collect, Casey is propelled on a collision course with Saturn City’s criminal regime-undaunted a...

Book Review: Humane by Ishaan Sethi

About the book This book explores masculinity in a different sense. It is like a wake-up call for everyone as it redefines masculinity in its purest form, without the stereotypes and generalization. Humane explores the negativity of the norm, “be a man.” This may only seem applicable to men, but that is the case as many women in the world are affected by the norms revolving around femininity. As humans, we are allowed to and should be allowed to freely explore our choices. For example, it is not odd or invalid that a man is sensitive or that a woman is more logical than emotional. This book is a wake-up call to all the norms we live by, for it's time to cut open our boundaries and truly explore ourselves. Being a man is not being strong, stubborn, or muscular whereas, being a woman is not being foolish, pretty, and flirty. Humane will reach out to many of the people who feel like they are stuck in a box and that is why this book is significant to readers across the glob...