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Showing posts from June, 2020

Book Review: Dreams Beyond Shadows by Kartikeya Ladha

About the Book If you are holding this book, there’s a chance you may be at a crossroads in your life, as once the author of this book was. Feeling stuck and overwhelmed by society’s pressures, how can we learn, in today’s fast paced and results driven world, to truly dream beyond shadows? Having touched the hearts of readers across the globe, Dream Beyond Shadows has now been published in its second edition, to celebrate the raw and compelling art of storytelling inscribed in its pages. This book chronicles a turning point in the author’s life, a moment when he decided to turn against the current of his life and move in the opposite direction of social expectations and his own conditioned fears. It’s the story of an adventure that leaves behind the hustle and bustle of New York City, winds along the Ayahuasca vine through the tribal magic of shamanic ceremonies in the Amazon jungle, into the Incan legacy of Peru’s Sacred Valley and the sublime energy of the megalithic Machu Pic...

Book Review: Poptastic by Victoria Holmes

Happy Pride Month! Are you reading any book based on LGBTQ? If yes, drop in your recco. About the Book Bridesmaiding is a tedious business at the best of times, but as Julia discovers, the task is particularly cumbersome when one of the brides is your ex and her fiancĂ©e won’t stop sulking about it. With the wedding threatening to dominate everything for the rest of the year, a bewildering embrace with a devastatingly attractive pop star offers a welcome distraction. Dating Krisha catapults Julia away from the paltry concerns of dress fittings and hen dos, but it also takes her away from her friends, and directly leads to her most disastrous f**k up yet. Much to her surprise, she discovers that embracing the role she’d accepted so reluctantly might just be exactly what she needs. My Take on the Book There are very few debut novels which I read and it gives out a promising vibe, Poptastic by Victoria Holmes happened to be one of them.  TBH, I have never really re...