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Showing posts from 2015

New Year Resolutions: 'Upgrade the old You'.

So, this year 2015 too comes to an end like any other year... It is an overwhelming feeling to bid adieu and leave behind yet another year and saying  'hello' to yet another 366 days (Including this year's leap day).  I am  assuming many of us are busy making list of resolution to follow.. the list might be lengthy than the previous year or it might be just a shorter version as you may have improved quite a bit.. Maybe? Looking back at the year, we wonder how time swept so quickly without us hardly realizing that so many things has happened this past 12 months. Many changes, many transformation or few or more improvements and the things which we learnt are new and different as compared to the  past year. We are evolving with fresh lessons in life I bet, and also because we learn to take responsibility with time and age.  Thereby, like every possible year...  the changes which we want might be less than the previous #The ...

Merry Christmas! Not so Merry?

With Christmas just days away, We can see all the towns decorated with lights, tinsel, wreaths and bells, you can feel the spirit of the eve everywhere around you. You can see people getting cozy with warm woolen and mittens, shopping around searching for the best gifts for their loved ones.  Suddenly, you realized you are going to miss all the love this year because you will be away from home, which also means away from your family. You are stuck with workloads and you are unable to fly back home. All the festive vibes around you just turned into a 'Not so Merry Christmas' #reason- You are away from home.  Well, you are not alone, there are many who are stucked in the same situation and couldn't not make  it to be around with families. Me being one of em (Of course) blame it on my busy schedule :( Well, I decided that I won't make this joyous season gloomy just because I am not home, nor will I make yours a sad one. So, I have come up with some 'great' if...

10 Years from now....

There are multiple times when I am asked what and where will I be 10 years from now?  And, most of my answers are either 'a very successful person', or most of the time it will be 'a very rich woman', with  a room full of  books. Of course like a 'big library kind' I had say. Being a dreamer, at leisure I keep wondering where I really would be? will I achieve the things which I am wishing for? will I have the dream house (with the library of course) or will I even reach that 10 years from now ? I mean, no one knows where or what our future holds, yet every single one of us stays with the hope of seeing tomorrow and we make numerous plans, deciding where we will set our final den. For some that 10 years from now never happened, either they lost track of doing what they wanted or they could never make it that far, while for some it is the moment they are enjoying now which they once wished long time ago. This thought took me into a deep pondering mode and...

Thanksgiving Day

Image credit- Self Listening to people talk about being thankful had me wondering whom and what does being thankful actually mean? does it means being polite enough to say 'Thank You'  to the person who held the elevator door open for you? to the shopkeeper for giving you the exact change? to the cab who left you at your destination? or to the one (God) who is responsible for everything in our life?  I really don't know about many who are much devoted and is thankful for almost everything in life. But, me being someone who does her job of following spiritual rituals I am thankful to God more than anything, for whatever he does/did for me. Even on good or bad times, either ways I am thankful to him. Nevertheless, I often fail to follow the phase of giving thanks and it ends with a complaint, whilst I forget to be thankful/grateful for everything. So, t his Thanksgiving day as a reminder I thought I had  list down the things which we should be hap...

Lost in Between

You seem convinced with whatever he said He is at his best to manifest the fact You are in between 'Love' and 'Lie' Who knew, but he was good at making it look real Not once, not twice but as many times as possible You kept on falling for the bait Deceptive, yet it sounded clear  And all your attention grabbed For once you though you won the race But, it was just for your love sake  How will you run away from this phase? When you know you will be wrecked Maybe it was wrong to be wholly in affection Now, you are drawn towards the worse situation Hoping... if  you can escape from this line You could, if only you knew before hand ... Everyone is a little lost between 'Love' and 'Lie' Sometimes you can't find the distinction  When it is the love that covers the lies. Image credit- M.Kikon (self)                                         ...

Outfit for Halloween Party

It's the time of the year again... Halloween is just around the corner, the time for trick and treating and probably the best occasion to play 'dress up'. Still trying to figure out an outfit style for the 'COSTUME PARTY'? Bunny?- Outdated Pirates?- Boring Zombie?- Wait, you were one last year too. Okay, stop fussing around and make up your mind quickly Wish to be different and stand out from the crowd? Here, you can try a little different this year from how you usually dress up for a Halloween. Why not dress up as 'You'? Really. Love black? Gothic?  Okay. Checked. You surely will love this combination of black and just a little touch of patterns... check out this outfit style I have created Lots of black and a more of Gothic style. (Afterall, it's Halloween and a little too much of black will do no harm) Outfit for Halloween Party by kikonmhonchumi featuring high heel shoes For the look - Wear a strapless black dress...

Look for Less...

Look for Less... by kikonmhonchumi featuring nars cosmetics Shirts blouse 1,090 INR - River Island ripped jeans 3,245 INR - Keds white shoes 3,245 INR - Backpacks bag 3,245 INR - Avenue black bracelet 1,040 INR - Circle glasses 650 INR - Nars cosmetic 2,075 INR -

Seeking Tranquility

Every morning before waking up from bed I lay still for a moment, it is my way of starting the day with a minute of calmness and it does keeps me at peace, though just for a few second.  I wonder how many of us are seeking for a moment of peace/solace? Surely, most of us I believe. We are alway hurrying, rushing, running in our daily schedules, it could be for our jobs, our family priorities, household chores and so on.. the list keep going long, and when that moment of haste and rush pass we give a sigh of heavy puff and says 'finally', this made me realize how even a slight moment of pause gives us immense peace, and I couldn't help but think how it would be if we were to get that calmness every single day. I am always reminded that I should not rush and keep things at flow, when people complain on how they can't be in peace and have to rush every time, I wonder if they tried looking for it within them.  As I grew up, I understood how it is no...

7 Things only a Leap year baby will understand

Born on 29th Feb? Leap year baby? Then you can probably relate to this? On been asked when your birthday is? you proudly answer 29th February. Their reaction? Priceless.                                                 So, after showing your 'not so impressed face', they give you the okay, cool looks.                   And, thereafter this things are likely to follow.. 1. Wow!  you are the first leap year baby I ever met, how cool is that.                                   Thank you so much, I am touched 2. So, when do you celebrate your birthday when there ain't  leap date?        But, I surely do know there is 1st march coming ... so! 3. How do you count your age...

Fall Wear

Fall.. by kikonmhonchumi featuring a victorian blouse With the onset of fall, we want you to try something casual yet give a sophisticated look. Here, you can experience a stylish look for this year's Autumn..   Rock your day look with a shorts and a victorian blouse. Match your outfit with a loafers, this will give you an effortless yet a chic appearance.  Accessorize with a back bag and some jewelleries to complement your style.  Fall is here... !!! And, we are dressed.. Alice Olivia victorian blouse 35,645 INR - Topshop shorts 3,310 INR - Tod s black loafer 37,655 INR - Barneys New York brown bag 9,860 INR - Wet Seal metal ring 590 INR - Linda Farrow clear lens glasses 40,065 INR - Check more of my  outfit style..

Harper Lee- Go Set a Watchman Review

''On any other day she would have stood barefoot on the wet grass listening to the mockingbirds' early service; she would have pondered over the meaninglessness of silent, austere beauty renewing itself with every sunrise and going un-gazed at by half the world. She would have walked beneath yellow-ringed pines rising to a brilliant eastern sky, and her senses would have succumbed to the joy of the morning.  It was waiting to receive her, but she neither looked nor listened.”  ―  Harper Lee ,  Go Set a Watchman The much awaited Harper Lee's book- Go Set A Watchman was out, So... excited like a 3 year old girl on seeing a candy store, I went ahead and grabbed a copy. Image credit-  I was impatiently waiting for it to come out, so once it landed on my hand I wasted no time and read every single pages, not even missing out any detail writing piece on the cover. My verdict on the book. A wonderful story, clearly written.. Harper's writi...

Smart Phones, too smart to handle?

Someone sent me this image, my  phone beeped and I had to check it. And there.... it explained everything. I couldn't agree more to it, I was  actually giving a whole though on how we had the notion that we were so smart to handle gadgets (Of course... we are smart in our own ways) but it is not how it appeared to be, We depend so much our 'Dear Devices' that we have lost track in memorizing phone numbers, let alone...  I don't even need to remember mine, I have smartly saved it in my phone. Birthdays are just an alarm ring away, I have them set as a reminder and I don't have to wish them unless there is a noise coming out and reminding me about it, because in real i am bad with remembering dates, so... I apologize if i forgot to wish you on your birthday, I was not reminded :( Looking for address is just a click away, no more asking strangers where the road to the park leads, my phone commanded me to take a right, go straight and then take the seco...

Mix and Match

Mix and Match by kikonmhonchumi featuring a long open front cardigan Lace and Gray never goes wrong.. Pair up your lace crop top with a cotton short, give a mix of style with a long sleeve cardigan and a pair of Greek sandal to get an effortless chic look for any casual day out.  Accessories your mane with a rabbit felt hat.. There, you are ready to rock the mix and match look.      White long sleeve cardigan 1,135 INR - Long open front cardigan 2,180 INR - Quiz black party top 1,710 INR - Boohoo cotton shorts 925 INR - Ancient Greek Sandals cutout sandals 10,315 INR - Lanvin rabbit felt hat 58,845 INR - Check out more of my Style  @   

Keeping it Minimal

Keeping it Minimal by kikonmhonchumi featuring platform sandals Crop top 300 INR - H M wrap skirt 1,515 INR - Miu Miu platform sandals 47,640 INR - Yves Saint Laurent leather handbag 124,475 INR - Fine jewelry 680,420 INR - Planning to go out for a dinner date? Confused over what to wear? Match this outfit idea for a perfect Saturday evening.  Happy Dining!! For more outfit ideas check out my profile at                                                             M.Kikon