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Showing posts from December, 2015

New Year Resolutions: 'Upgrade the old You'.

So, this year 2015 too comes to an end like any other year... It is an overwhelming feeling to bid adieu and leave behind yet another year and saying  'hello' to yet another 366 days (Including this year's leap day).  I am  assuming many of us are busy making list of resolution to follow.. the list might be lengthy than the previous year or it might be just a shorter version as you may have improved quite a bit.. Maybe? Looking back at the year, we wonder how time swept so quickly without us hardly realizing that so many things has happened this past 12 months. Many changes, many transformation or few or more improvements and the things which we learnt are new and different as compared to the  past year. We are evolving with fresh lessons in life I bet, and also because we learn to take responsibility with time and age.  Thereby, like every possible year...  the changes which we want might be less than the previous #The ...

Merry Christmas! Not so Merry?

With Christmas just days away, We can see all the towns decorated with lights, tinsel, wreaths and bells, you can feel the spirit of the eve everywhere around you. You can see people getting cozy with warm woolen and mittens, shopping around searching for the best gifts for their loved ones.  Suddenly, you realized you are going to miss all the love this year because you will be away from home, which also means away from your family. You are stuck with workloads and you are unable to fly back home. All the festive vibes around you just turned into a 'Not so Merry Christmas' #reason- You are away from home.  Well, you are not alone, there are many who are stucked in the same situation and couldn't not make  it to be around with families. Me being one of em (Of course) blame it on my busy schedule :( Well, I decided that I won't make this joyous season gloomy just because I am not home, nor will I make yours a sad one. So, I have come up with some 'great' if...

10 Years from now....

There are multiple times when I am asked what and where will I be 10 years from now?  And, most of my answers are either 'a very successful person', or most of the time it will be 'a very rich woman', with  a room full of  books. Of course like a 'big library kind' I had say. Being a dreamer, at leisure I keep wondering where I really would be? will I achieve the things which I am wishing for? will I have the dream house (with the library of course) or will I even reach that 10 years from now ? I mean, no one knows where or what our future holds, yet every single one of us stays with the hope of seeing tomorrow and we make numerous plans, deciding where we will set our final den. For some that 10 years from now never happened, either they lost track of doing what they wanted or they could never make it that far, while for some it is the moment they are enjoying now which they once wished long time ago. This thought took me into a deep pondering mode and...