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Showing posts from April, 2017

Get stylish with an under $100 dress

Dressing up fashionably doesn’t have to be expensive, or having a tight budget does not mean you can't be stylish! There are plenty of options to choose from, and by options, we are talking about street style, DIY style hacks, and dressing up with outfits which are under $100.  Yes, you can dress up with a limited budget too.  Street style is one such trend which has become the ‘in thing’ in the fashion world, millennial are taking over their fashion obsession  with their knack for dressing at a fixed budget. In case you are looking for a way to dress up without  splurging much , here is something you can try without burning your pockets. I am talking about an outfit style which will cost you less than $100 This is what I created for an under $100 look at Polyvore   app. This outfit can be worn for  a coffee date with friends over the weekend, lunch meeting ,  Or at a dinner party. (Your call) ...

Lilly Singh- How to Be a Bawse: A Guide to Conquering Life, Review

                                        To Lilly Singh- BAWSE for Life WARNING:  This book does not include hopeful thoughts, lucky charms, or cute quotes. That’s because success, happiness, and everything else you want in life need to be worked for, not wished for. In Lilly’s world, there are no escalators, only stairs. Get ready to climb.  ©  All Rights Reserved I had to wait    patiently  for eight long months to learn the traits of 'How to be a Boss , I mean  Bawse '! Now, Who is a Bawse? According to the urban dictionary... A Bawse is a human being who exudes confidence, turns heads, reaches goals, finds inner strength, gets hurt efficiently and smiles genuinely- because they've fought through it all and made it out the other side. The double-handed praise was created for them.  So, when the book  ar...