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Showing posts from December, 2019

Book Review: A drop of You by Krishna Chhetri

About the Book We become overtly colourless when our hearts aren't together; only when a soul finds its body, they sing and dance together to the colours of life. Three closely knit people, Karma, Diana & Ghazal meet at the crossroads of life, unaware of the cosmic conspiracy and its comical destiny. Heart is their road, love is their journey and the soul, the final destination. Sailing on the tides of emotions, they encounter deceit, with a tinge of poison and drop of bliss.   Forever love; it is a myth? Or a reality? Is it stifling pain or undying love, that makes love eternal? Come, let us explore! My Take on the book For someone who loves poetry, this book is a refreshing read. A drop of you is the debut book by Krishna Chhetri, the book narrates the story of three friends,  Karma, Diana, and Ghazal, who  are caught in a love triangle situation. This is a tale of love,  friendship, destiny, and heartbreak.    Like every love triang...