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Showing posts from 2021

Book Review: The L-word By Aastha Atray Banan

photo credit: Shethepeople Blurb In a world where a left swipe means you could be alone and sexless forever and taking a chance could mean you find ‘The One’, the question we often find ourselves asking is, what is love? When romance writer Aastha Atray Banan found herself getting asked questions about the daily struggles of love she decided to start a podcast, Love Aaj Kal, that dealt with everything about love and relationships. The L-Word is about modern love: from ghosting, polyamory, love in the times of social media to more every-day problems like dealing with heartbreak, infidelity and getting out of toxic relationships. Love can be many things – sometimes intimidating, frustrating, and often exhilarating – this book tells you how to make sense of it. My Take On The Book The L Word- Love, Lust, and Everything In-Between , I guess the title is self-explanatory of what the book is about. This is the first book I read by the romance writer Aastha Atray Banan who found her...

Book Review: Little Me in Everyone by Eddyee Siingh

  About the Book If you want to learn and grow in life, start exploring the world inside you and believe the omnipresent "Genius". Every human is born with a "genius", a guardian spirit allocated at birth. Caged in this mind is the 'Little Me' helping us, talking to us, questioning us, and nurturing us all along the way. The eternal conversations we have, our struggles for justifications and morals, and our gut feelings are what shape the voice of our 'Little Me'. It grows inside the spiritual realm of energy and the soul as we also grow with each new experience in life. The Self, the Ego and the Pride evolve from and dissolve within a person's 'Little Me'. In this book you'll find the reflections of everyone's 'Inner Self' and 'Little Me', protected by Spirit Guide "Genius" thus guiding us to learn and rejoice every moment of being alive despite the perplexities of life. My Take on the Book If you ...

Book Review: Stories of Us by Bobby Sachdeva

About the Book Does saving your family’s honor trump personal happiness? Will the god be appeased if you overfeed him and not help the needy? Will the law protect the stray dog that tears an eight-year-old into shreds? Is a deceased manual scavenger just another statistic who risks his life for a cleaner future?  In the voice of the everyday person, Bobby Sachdeva questions the commonsensical in the most unorthodox manner in  Stories of Us . From Rishi to Parth or Lata to Rajnath, their hard-hitting and honest narratives are sure to inspire the common person to rethink the values long etched in our belief system.  My Take on the Book I was looking forward to reading this book for a very long time now, so when I was approached to review it I couldn’t refuse. This is the debut book of the author, I reviewed his 2 nd  book- Once there was me, you can read my take on the book here. Stories of Us   by  Bobby Sachdeva  is a collection of ...